As a student, a lot can come your way. Are you going to live on your own? In which city is the desired school located? And what do you have to take into account when looking for a suitable home? These are just a few examples of questions that every student will recognize. De Bloois Vastgoed mission is to answer all your questions and to realize the most suitable solution for you. Below we have listed two common questions:
As a student you would like to feel comfortable in your home, pay a competitive price and preferably be located as close as possible to the relevant school. However, the Netherlands has, and still is experiencing a shortage of student housing for years and this creates fierce competition with every student accommodation that becomes available. There are endless queues and many registrations at every house, so that many students are satisfied with less quality housing. Let De Bloois Vastgoed help you with your student accommodation and be guaranteed with a student accommodation that meets your wishes.
Due to our many years of experience as a real-estate agent, we know the market inside and out. Over the years we have built up a large and reliable network consisting of many entrepreneurs, tenants/landlords and investors. Are you looking for a quality student residence? Then rely on our expertise and experience in student housing. During the process you can continuously ask your questions and De Bloois Vastgoed ensures that you are always aware of the latest developments.
Are you curious about what we can do for you regarding student accommodation? Our expert advisors are happy to help you. De Bloois Vastgoed guides you through the entire process and can completely unburden you about the realization of a suitable student home. See our offer here!
After we have noted your wishes, we will get to work, and you will be kept informed of all the news. Feel free to contact us by filling in the contact form. Would you rather be contacted by our experts by phone? Then we are happy to help you during the indicated opening hours!